Beekeeping in the Tallinn city on the roof of the building. Credit: Tallinn University



Sponsors and exhibitors are welcome

to join the event.


Please download the SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITION OPTIONS prospectus here:

For further information, please contact:
Priit Sasi
Sponsorship and Project Manager

We have reserved Sponsor Sessions in our programme for interested Sponsors and/or Exhibitors and/or Supporters:

- an exclusive lunch session on all days (one up to 30 30-min presentation at the beginning of the lunch hour)

- and a parallel session on Tuesday or Thursday (up to a 30-min presentation parallel to the main programme)


Please find the timetable here


We offer one presentation slot (up to 30-min) within every Sponsor package - with Gold, Silver and Bronze. In first come, first served order.

For additional slots, we ask:

- for one lunch presentation slot we ask 2,000 € (+VAT if applies)

- for one parallel session presentation slot we ask 1,000 € (+VAT if applies)


Best student talk and best student poster award sponsor
